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Fear not, only believe.
Mark 5:36

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Seeking God?

Each of the “gods” I had ever attempted to worship, demanded me to deserve his favor. My way was that of continuous trial and error cycle. I was never good enough in anything.

But thanks be to God, Jesus Christ did not wait for me to be good enough for Him. Completely lost in the maze of this world, He found me, washed me clean from my sin by His blood and He received me without reservations and reproach. I belong to Him. I have for 27 years.


I started reading the Bible for prideful reasons, to brag that I had read it. Apparently it was some old and wise book. That part is true. However, I realized so much more – that it was all pointing to Jesus. It was also speaking about me. In fact, it diagnosed me with a deadly disease, the disease of sin. I just couldn’t reject this truth. See, the Bible didn’t just reveal the sickness of my soul, but also gave me the cure – new birth through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In receiving this, my soul was and is healed, from over twenty years ago to this day!


From the Senior Pastor

Jesus came that you may have life

For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand,

Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’

Isaiah 41:13

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