We do appreciate your trust and we would like to assure you that Církev Oáza cares for protection of your personal data while collecting them and processing them. We abide by relevant laws while using your personal data.We wish to inform you about
- What data do we collect?
- How do we obtain and collect your data?
- Why do we process your data?
- How do we process your data?
- What are your rights as a data subject?
a) identification information such as: academic degree, first name, last name, date of birth, address of permanent residence, contact address
b) electronic contact information such as: email address, phone number, cell phone number, data information from social media (address)
c) other personal information such as: religion, church affiliation, basic information on health condition
d) other information such as: bank detail, donations
d) other electronic data: IP address
You provided your information by completing a questionnaire or a form related to Církev Oáza activities, such as the baptism form, the Contact Request form, the Marriage Blessing form, the Child Dedication form, event registration forms etc.
In certain cases, we collect information from our website visitors and via email communication automatically. Automated technologies may include web server logs to collect IP addresses. Collection of this information enables us to increase quality of our service and ministry.
IP address is a number assigned to your computer anytime you connect to internet. It enables computers and servers’ identification and communication. IP addresses which are used to visit our website can be registered for IT safety and system diagnostics. This information can be also used to analyze trends and effectiveness of the website.
We use and process your personal data only in the scope which is necessary for the purpose and for the time which is reasonably necessary to fulfill the said purpose. After that we can in certain cases use your data for another purpose, such as in case of registration for an event, your contact details may be used for sending information about upcoming events. We archive and store your personal data only for the period allowed by law.
We use your personal data:
- To maintain database and records on our activities – mainly the membership database for Církev Oáza to comply with relevant laws
- Based on your consent, we also use the data to send information about our upcoming events
Cookies are small text files that are saved in your computer or a mobile device when you visit websites. Cookies contain information about the visited website, its settings and tasks carried out on it. Cookies do not represent a threat; however, they are important when it comes to privacy protection. Cookies cannot be further used individually as an identifier to identify the websites visitors.
Cookies jsou malé textové soubory, které se uloží do vašeho počítače nebo mobilního zařízení při návštěvě internetových stránek. Cookies obsahují informace o navštívené webové stránce, jejím nastavení a úkonech na ní provedených. Cookies nepředstavují nebezpečí, mají však význam pro ochranu soukromí. Cookies nelze samostatně bez dalšího použít jako identifikátor pro zjištění totožnosti návštěvníků stránek.
If you browse websites and your web browser enables saving of cookies, you agree that Církev Oáza will process records of your behaviour on these websites via cookies; Církev Oáza will do so to increase user friendliness on repeated visits to these websites and to tailor-make Církev Oáza advertisements to your preferences.
Pokud si budete prohlížet webové stránky a máte ve svém webovém prohlížeči povoleno ukládání cookies, souhlasíte s tím, že Církev Oáza bude prostřednictvím cookies zpracovávat záznamy o vašem chování na těchto stránkách pro účely zvyšování uživatelské přívětivosti při opakovaných návštěvách těchto stránek a pro účely přizpůsobení reklamy Církev Oáza vašim preferencím a pro účely zajištění internetové reklamy provozovateli reklamních internetových systémů.
If you do not wish Církev Oáza to process records about your behaviour on these websites, limit or block saving of cookies in the settings of your web browser. If your browser enables the use of cookies, we assume that you agree with the use of cookies from our websites.
Pokud nechcete, aby Církev Oáza záznamy o vašem chování na těchto stránkách zpracovávala, omezte nebo si zablokujete ukládání cookies v nastavení vašeho webového prohlížeče. Pokud bude mít váš prohlížeč použití cookies povoleno, budeme mít za to, že souhlasíte s využíváním cookies z našich webových stránek.
We process your data by ourselves. We do not provide nor share your data to any third party except for cases required by the law, when we must provide your data to government agencies, authorities and authorized agencies.
Data subjects whose personal information is used by Církev Oáza have following rights in relation to the collection and use of their data, if requirements of applicable laws are complied with:
- Right to access personal data, which means that upon request you will obtain information of the type of data we process about you
- Right to correction of these data
- Right to have the data deleted
- Right to limit use and processing of the data
- Right to transfer the data
- Right to recall your previous consent with use and processing of the data if the previous consent constituted legal basis for processing particular data (i.e. for sending information and advertisement)
Data subjects whose data we process have the right to object processing of their data if the reason for such processing is our activity, i.e. our events, administrative purposes etc), if requirements of relevant law are complied with.
Data subjects may contact Církev Oáza as a Data Controllers and file objection, complaints, recall consent etc.
Contact us at:
Církev Oáza
nám. Padlých 110
164 00 Praha 6 – Nebušice
We have appointed a Data Protection Officer whom data subjects may contact their questions and inquiries at the contact email above.
This information is valid from 27 May, 2018