Standard terms and conditions
Article I
These Standard terms and conditions (hereinafter STC) provide for and regulate financial donations made on website (hereinafter website). STC specify rights and obligations of Církev Oáza and the donor when a financial donation is made via the website to support Církev Oáza
Article II
Církev Oáza, registered address at nám. Padlých 110, 164 00 Praha 6 – Nebušice is a state recognized and registered church pursuant to Act No. 3/2002 Coll. on churches and religious organizations as amended, IdNo: 03487679, Number of church registration: 48963/2014-37
Article III
The purpose of all financial donations is to support activities of Církev Oáza as they are stated in the Charter.
- preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, establishing and operating local groups in the Czech Republic and abroad, where permitted by relevant legislation.
- supporting local groups, establishing of Bible schools, training centers, community centers, clubs, establishing and operating charity institutions such as nursing homes, senior people homes, centers for disadvantaged members of society etc.
- through various media (television, radio, internet, audio and video media, books, periodical publications etc) addressing the society with the good news of Jesus Christ.
- ministering to youths, children, women, men, seniors, disadvantaged members of society such as orphans, single mothers, drug addicts, etc.
- teaching the Bible
- public and private evangelization
- concerts and cultural events
- organizing collections, distribution of the collected items and money for various charity purposes and operation of the church.
- performing ceremonies according to the Bible doctrines, such as baptisms of new believers, weddings, burials, Holy Communion, blessings of newborns.
- cooperating with other existing Christian churches
- establishing organizational structure of the church
- employing people to secure operation of the church and fulfilling its purpose
- supporting publicly profitable organizations and charity projects
- entering into contracts
- using all rights and keeping all obligations established for churches in the legal order of the Czech republic or in other relevant legislations
Article IV
Donor – an individual or legal entity who sends a financial donation through the website to support Církev Oáza
Electronic donation form – an electronic form containing details about the donor which are further processed by the payment system.
Financial donation – variable amount set by the donor via the electronic donation form which is processed by the payment system and sent to the bank account of Církev Oáza
Article V
Církev Oáza issues a written certificate of donation for tax deduction if the donor asks for it in the electronic form.
Article VI
Claims resolution rules
Donations in all aspects are goverened by the Act No. 89/2012 New Civic Code.
Article VII
Privacy rules (GDPR) here.